Friday, June 20, 2008

Why Drilling Might Not Be Such A Good Idea.

There are a lot of good options on both sides of this one. I’m a bit of an environmentalist, but I’m also a pragmatist. If it makes sense to drill on-shore or off I don’t think it’s that huge of an issue as long as proper precautions are taken. There is though one very good reason I might recommend not drilling – Security.

We only have about 3% of global oil reserves. That’s not very much. What would happen if we used up ours and the folks controlling the bulk of the rest decided to wage war against us and started by cutting off our oil supplies? We’d be crippled.

The increase in gas prices is inconvenient. But that’s all it is. We might drive a bit less. We’ll plan errand runs better instead of multiple trips. We might choose a more fuel-efficient car or maybe even invest in a scooter. Maybe we won’t fly to Disneyworld for vacation. People did without gas fueled conveniences for many many hundreds of years.

There may even be some advantages. We’ve become a nation of ugly obese slobs. Maybe we’ll rent fewer movies and walk or bike more.


cheese said...

There's only one thing wrong with your post and that is the 3% thing on the reserves. That's just
Al Snores media hype to get everybody afraid we're using up the planet so they can tax us more.

Crusty said...

There is certainly no lack of hype from media and others. Do you have anything substantiating there being more than 3%?